How to Mentally Prepare For Your Next Job

How to Mentally Prepare For Your Next Job

Career Advice, Job Search

Getting back in the game can be a challenge. In the panic of change, it’s important to take a moment to slow down and evaluate your goals and career path… Yes, that’s right, take a moment and breathe.

Are your goals and career path aligned with your values? Have you felt fulfilled, rewarded and happy at the end of the day or have you suffered from that dreaded Sunday feeling for months or even years? What are your career highlights and what would you mark as your “shine” moments?

It is important to take time to look back – to understand what tasks you most enjoyed performing, least enjoyed performing and those that you know you were best at. Very likely your moments of greatest joy in your career will be closely aligned to the times you were required to do what you most enjoyed doing and you were very good at doing. If your next role then requires you to deliver in the positive areas of your experience, it will be a win for both you and your next employer.

Another serious consideration is associated with whether you feel you have achieved what you hoped to, if not some introspection is required here as well. Have you kept yourself up to date and sharp through knowledge or skills development programmes? Have there been a few moments of self-sabotaging behaviour often rooted in negative belief systems that have hindered your progress? If yes, or even possibly, now is the perfect time to iron out those little kinks and prepare yourself for your next breakthrough.

#KeyTip Life coaches help you kick negative belief systems and to align your values with your goals
