FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions


How do I upload my CV into the Key Recruitment database?
At Key, we understand how precious your CV is. When you upload your CV via our CV Submission system, it is injected into our specialized recruitment database. Every Recruiter also receives a notification and copy of your CV in their inbox.

What happens to my CV once I have submitted it?
Your CV is retained in a secure database that we have access to at all times.

Whenever we receive a request from an employer who requires the services of a person with a defined skills set and experience profile, we effect a search through our database for CVs that reflect the skills and experience background required. The CVs marked in this process are then carefully assessed for relevance and applicability by the Recruiter administering our client’s request. If your CV is one selected for further consideration, the Recruiter will be in touch with you to discuss your possible suitability for the role, establish your availability and possibly schedule a personal or Skype interview with you.

Where do I go to apply for a job?
We advertise our vacancies on our website on our opportunities page.
We also advertise on PNET, Careers24 and Executive Placements

What happens once I have applied for a job on the opportunities page?
Your application will be immediately recorded in association with the specific advertised vacancy and you should receive acknowledgement of the receipt of your application.

All applications for the specific vacancy are collated into a single online folder associated with the vacancy, where the Recruiter administering the recruitment process has access to all the CVs received.

The Recruiter will then screen all applications received against a tight set of screening criteria associated with the client’s requirements. The CVs that are shortlisted in this process are then moved into an online shortlist folder associated with the vacancy. In response to all other applications received, notices will be sent out to each one personally, notifying them of the fact that their application has not been shortlisted. These CVs are then retained in our database for matching against future vacancies.

If your application is one selected for further consideration, the Recruiter will be in touch with you to discuss your possible suitability for the role, establish your availability and possibly schedule a personal or Skype interview with you. Following this stage of the process, the applications are discussed with the client in broad terms and together with the client assessed against the other shortlisted applications and the final shortlist of two or three candidates CVs will be prepared for presentation to our client. At this point the Recruiter will be in touch with the final shortlist to obtain their permission to present their CV to the client.
